Sunday, January 26, 2020
Types of Infant Temperament
Types of Infant Temperament 1.0 Introduction Temperament refers to a person’s characteristic modes of emotional and behavioral responding to environmental events. It is biologically based on heredity, neural and hormonal and it can affect our response to the environment. It’s also influenced over time by heredity from parents and experience. There are 3 types of temperament which is easy-going temperament, slow to warm up temperament and difficult temperament. Easy-going temperament babies are calm and relaxed; they are also seen as friendly and smiling happily. Slow to warm up temperament babies are shy and they take time to try new things as they do not like new situations. Difficult temperament babies are very emotional and get upset easily, they are unable to adapt to new environment and people. The 6 dimensions of individual differences in infant temperament as well as the influences of temperament are further discussed below. 2.0 Main body 2.1 Six Dimensions Basically there are 6 different types of traits for infant temperament including fearful distress, irritable distress, positive effect, activity level, attention span and rhythmicity. 2.1.1 Fearful Distress Fearful distress also means fearfulness and it refers to how they response when feel fear. The characteristic of fearful distress is wariness, distress and withdrawal in new situation. The positive example for babies is they won’t cry frequently when they feel scare but if is negative babies they will cry whenever they feel scare such as crying when parents leaving, when stranger get close to them or crying when receiving an injection. By the way, for positive thinking adult who are facing fearful distress they will try to overcome fearfulness and think it in positive way. Negative thinking adult who are facing fearful distress usually cannot sleep well at night because they always worrying. Some will get nervous, stomachache and get sweaty hands when facing fearful distress. 2.1.2 Irritable Distress Irritable distress also means anger. The characteristic of irritable distress is fussiness, crying and showing distress when they can’t get what they want. The positive irritable distress babies will not cry easily although they are angry but the negative irritable distress babies will cry and become fussiness when they can’t get what they want. The irritable distress for positive adult will keep calm, relax but negative irritable distress adult will easily get angry and become very impulse when something happened. 2.1.3 Positive Affect Positive affect refers to frequency of smiling, laughing, willingness to approach other and to cooperate with them. Example for positive affect of positive baby is they will smile to others and waving their hands, opposite that the babies will cry when strangers appear next to them. The example for adult is they went to a training camp happily to meet new friends and have fun together. Negative adults do not like any new activities and they are likely to avoid themselves from meeting new people. 2.1.4 Activity Level Activity Level is the amount of gross motor activity which by simple saying is how much an infant moves. For the example of high activity level baby is a baby kicking and moving often when changing their diapers and when they are sleeping. For low activity level baby is a baby does not moving when sleeping. The example for high activity level adult is they likes outdoors activities such as football, playing badminton or others sport games. For the low activity level adult is they like quiet environment, they will like indoor activities which is like reading, playing chess and drawing. 2.1.5 Attention Span Attention span simply means that how long a child spending time focuses on objects or events that they are interested to. The example for the baby of have short attention span is crying in a short period after their parents carry them or sometimes they just realize that keep crying is not the way and stop crying immediately but if is long attention span baby is they can crying lout and keep crying when they want parents to carry them although their parents is carrying. The example for short attention span adult is they cannot sit in the long time. They often get up while they are doing something and them easily to give up. For the long attention span adult they do things very carefully and can sit in a long time. 2.1.6 Rhythmicity Rhythmicity means that the regularity of bodily functions. Positive example for the rhythmicity baby is their eating and bowel movement time are regular, they will ask for food every few hours. Negative example is they will wake up easily and their bowel movement is different from every time. For positive rhythmicity adult, they go to sleep the same time on every night. Negative rhythmicity adult is they laying down on the bed but fall asleep in different time. 2.2 Influences on Temperament There are several kinds of influence on temperament which can be divided into two different stages; before and after preschool period. Before preschool usually just influence by their parents as their temperament are passed down to their children naturally while after preschool bring in more influences such as environment the children are in such as their surroundings, friends or people they meet. 2.2.1 Before Preschool Before preschool period, the main influence of temperament is the Hereditary Influence which by simply saying is the temperament passed down from the parents to their children genetically. Usually if the children are identical twins, there is a higher chance both of them having the same attitude and temperament. As for fraternal twins, the chances of having same personality and attitude are lower compared to identical twins. For normal siblings, they usually have different temperament and attitude from each other. If the parents have long attention span and high activity level then their kids will most likely to behave same likes the parents. Children’s IQ and EQ is actually all based on their parents as those are genetically passed down to them. 2.2.2 After Preschool After the children are 3 years old, parents usually send their children to attend preschool class offered by kindergarten. As children start to attend classes from kindergarten they start to meet other children and teachers. After preschool period, there are some other influences on temperament instead of just hereditary influence which is environment influence. Children start to concern about their surroundings especially other children and their teachers; they like to have fun together with the children they like. As a result, they will start to learn their attitude and temperament in order to become friends with them. If the friend is a bully then they also will learn from them becoming a bully because they want to hang out with their friend. Children also will learn their teacher’s attitude and temperament as they like the teacher to teach them and they respect older people so if their teacher themselves show their bad attitude in front of the children, they will also beha ving like the teacher because the person they respect also behaving like that. Conclusion In conclusion, temperament is a person’s characteristic modes of emotional and behavioral responding to environmental events. The 3 types of temperament which is easy-going temperament, slow to warm up temperament and difficult temperament along with the 2 main influences on it which is hereditary influences and environmental influences are discussed. The 6 dimensions of infant temperament which is fearful distress, irritable distress, positive distress, activity level, attention span and rhythmicity are also discussed. I take time to try new things and staying in new environment so I think that slow to warm up is my type of temperament. I wish to change myself to become an easy-going temperament person. Through this assignment I learned the 6 dimensions and the 3 types of temperament, through this information I also learned that how hereditary and environment can influence a children’s temperament.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Importance of Visual Elements in Art Essay
Visual elements of design are the basic vocabulary of design that helps the artist to communicate with the viewer. Those visual elements are line, shape, texture, value, and color. The importance of the elements has a great effect on the meaning art throughout the history. The line which is the track between two points usually takes different forms such as straight and curves. It helps to connote motion, direction and the orientation of a picture or drawings. This can be seen most especially when four dots are arrange or placed on a paper. The interpretation of this is most likely to be that of a square. It also helps to lead the viewer’s eye and create specific meanings. The second visual element is the shape and it is usually form from closed lines. Some basics or common shapes include triangles, squares and circles. It defines space and it is usually help in establishing a balance between positive and negative space. Color is the most important visual element in that it has a great impact on human’s perception and emotions. It is the first element that attract viewer. This element can also create illusion of depth in that some colors tend to create the feeling of being closer while some being far. It also affects men and women in different ways. There are some colors that are termed short colors and these set of colors affect human nervous system. Texture can be defined as the surface quality of a material. In the real sense most artistic works or drawings have textures that help to depict some forms of meaning. This texture can be appreciated in two different ways; these are either actual or implied texture. The actual texture can be felt while the implied can be perceived in the way the art work has been created. Value is also known as the tone of a color. It results from the apposition of light and dark and it usually define the intensity of these two forms of color. Value can be classified as a component of color while others are hue and saturation. Values of an art work depends mostly on each eye perception, and there different gradation to which the values can be categorized. Examples of roles of visual elements in history
Friday, January 10, 2020
Repentance in Cry, the Beloved country Essay
Through Paton’s use of faith and forgiveness in Cry, the Beloved Country he demonstrates the concept of redemptive value through Kumalo’s suffering and Absalom’s repentance. Kumalo’s suffering makes the reader feel sympathetic because of the sudden, yet constant, uprising conflicts in the storyline. Absalom’s repentance makes the reader feel reflective because they start to consider the moral lessons being taught in the story. Faith and forgiveness are combined to create the redemptive value of suffering, or repentance. The concept of forgiveness in Cry the Beloved Country is very crucial to the plot because Kumalo has many family members that he needs to forgive before he can leave Ndotsheni to go and help them in Johannesburg. When Kumalo’s wife questions him about his well-being he replies angrily, â€Å"Hurting myself? Hurting myself? I do not hurt myself, it is they who are hurting me. My own son, my own sister, my own brother. They go away and do not write anymore. Perhaps it does not seem to them that we suffer. Perhaps they do not care for it. †(39) Here Kumalo comes to the realization of the importance of this trip to Johannesburg, he must go there to find them and forgive them for the suffering they have caused. When he first goes to find his sister, Gertrude, he is angry at her for shaming his family, â€Å"You have shamed us, he says in a low voice, not wishing to make it known to the world. A liquor seller, a prostitute, with a child and you do not know where it is? Your brother a priest? How could you do this to us? †(61) Kumalo becomes angry interrogating her about her sins hoping, possibly knowing, that between the fear, discomfort, and guilt she feels that she will repent and pray to become a better person. In Book two the perspective shifts to James Jarvis, Father of late Arthur Jarvis, James Jarvis doesn’t have any need to necessarily forgive but he does reconcile a bit while finding things around Arthur’s home and talking to Arthur’s father in-law. While speaking to Harrison, Arthur’s father in-law, James mentions â€Å"‘Although his life was different’, he said, ‘you understood it. ’ ‘Yes, James’ ‘I’m sorry I didn’t understand it’ then he said in a whisper, ‘I didn’t know it would ever be so important to understand it. ’†(175) He feels a bit guilty for not attempting to understand his son’s political importance in life and for not knowing all that he had accomplished during his time alive. In order for someone to forgive another you must also make amends with God, which is why faith is important in the novel. Kumalo talked to Father Vincent about amendment of life, â€Å"‘We spoke of amendment of life’, said the white priest. ‘Of the amendment of your son’s life. And because you are a priest, this must matter to you more than all else, more even than your suffering and your wife’s suffering. †(141) When Father Vincent says that he being a priest matters more than his suffering it demonstrates the important of faith. Father Vincent seems to be suggesting that having a member of Kumalo’s congregation commit murder is more devastating than having his son commit murder. As previously mentioned faith is more important and in this way Kumalo must grieve over the loss of his son and the loss of a member of his congregation. Courage, faith, and hope are all very closely related as courage and hope are commonly religious principle. Knowing the important of faith and forgiveness in Cry, the Beloved Country , after all has been said and done, Absalom is sentenced to death, â€Å"Still kneeling, the father took his son’s hands, and they were not lifeless any more, but clung to his, seeking some comfort, some assurance. And the old man held them more strongly, and said again, ‘be of good courage, my son. ’†(241) Kumalo gives Absalom this simple statement and soon after leaves him to go home and return to Ndotsheni. The first part of the quote, â€Å"and they were not lifeless anymore†is very important because he has transformed from this lifeless criminal into a guilty caring son through faith. Absalom had in fact repented for his crime and can die a forgiven man. The redemptive value of suffering is â€Å"the belief that human suffering, when accepted and offered up in union with the Passion of Jesus, can remit the just punishment for one’s sins or for the sins of another. †(ww. thedefender. org) repentance is equal to this which is mentioned several times through the trial of Absalom Kumalo. The trial is a frustration to the reader because of the honesty of Absalom, â€Å"‘There is no lie in it, for I said to myself, I shall not lie any more, all the rest of my day, nor do anything that is evil. ’ ‘In fact you repented? ’ ‘Yes, I repented. ’†(199) Absalom told the truth and committed a crime out of fear, which brings into question how did he deserve the punishment he was given? He was sentenced to be hung until death, even though this wasn’t ideal, he died with faith, and repentance, and a new family. His moment of true repentance appears to be when he chooses to name his child Peter, this is biblical symbolism for the story of King David, his son was named Absalom and he rebelled against his father. Absalom, soon repented by naming his child Peter, the disciple that denied knowing Jesus. Kumalo knows that Absalom can repent when father Vincent says, â€Å"‘A man may repent him of any evil. ’†(141)This is assuring to Kumalo as now he knows that if his son tries he will be forgiven by God which gives Kumalo peace within. Alan Paton successfully demonstrated the concept of repentance through faith and forgiveness and caused the reader to feel sympathetic and reflective. Paton creates the effect on the reader through Kumalo’s suffering and Absalom’s repentance. The element of repentance is very important to faith and to the story line. Absalom’s repentance is what helps his father and himself deal with the grave sentence of death. Kumalo returns before Absalom’s hanging and continues to live life and move on with the new members of the family.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Hum/114 University of Phoenix Material Essay - 687 Words
Gregory Jenkins Hum/114 11/29/11 JAVONNA DANIELS Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving The reader has chosen Media Violence as his topic: Media violence promotes violent behavior is a problem. (1).The problem is that in the last four decades, the government and the public health amassed an impressive body of evidence identifying the impact of media violence on children. Since 1969, when President [Lyndon] Johnson formed the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, the body of data has effectively grown and grown and it leads to an unambiguous and virtually unanimous conclusion: media violence contributes to†¦show more content†¦Than you have article two in which its strong point of view on how media violence is being exaggerated, now we have argument that no one can agree on, we have two different points of view if the party can not agree on finding the solution to this problem than it will always be an issue. (3).The reader believes the credibility of the sources is very much strong, because both articles gave many resources and data in which you may go find for yourself to see if indeed the facts are the facts, they also have cited were they got their information. They got books to further your reader too. (4). The first step is to work out the details, the second step is to finding imperfections and complication. Working out the details means to determine exactly how your solution will be applied. The reader next step will be to check for common kinds of imperfections. How can the reader get people to see his point of view, that’s one solution? Be very clear when making his argument. The reader resolution to the topic is to first get all parties to agree on the subject at hand which is media violence and what we can do to fix this problem, we know this was an issue at first than it became a problem, because the parties could not come to an agreement. (5).The reader will focus on his own ideas in which he knows because of the research that was done by him. The second safeguard is to use his ego to advantage.
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