Sunday, March 22, 2020

Hypoglycemia Essays - Diabetes, RTT, Medical Emergencies

Hypoglycemia subject = Human Anatomy title = Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar or low fuel in the blood. It also refers to a distubed carbohydrate metabolism, since some people change between high and low blood sugar levels. When the body tries to work under these conditions, mental processes are impaired and body systems are broken. Hypoglycemia is sometimes related to other conditions like drug addiction, alcoholism, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, mental illness, anti-social behavio, an juvenile deliquency. There are numerous causes of hypoglycemia including; inborn errors of metabolism, defects in enzyme systsms, disorders of various glands and organs (hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenals, nervous system, kidneys, and liver). The most common cause is a diet high in carbohydrates and caffiend, which disturbs the blood-sugar regulating systems of the body. THere are a number of symptoms of Hypoglycemia that can be identified. The major symptoms are depression, insomnia, irritability, lack of concentration, crying spells, phobias, forgetfulness, confusion, unsocial or anti-social behavior and suicidal tendencies. The early symptoms of hypoglycemia are similar to those which occur as the result of experiencing a sudden and violent fear: fainting, tremulousness, and ?inward tremblind?, emotional disturbances, chilliness, numbness and pallor encirling th nmouth, hunger, apprehencion, hand tremors, mild degree ofmental cloudiness, dilated pupils and pale skin. As the hypoglycemia progress, a variety of symptoms occur such as headaches, difficulty inconcentration, disoreientation, mental confusion, dizziness, faintness, double vision, coldness of the extremities, staggering or inability to walk, muscle twitching, depression, restlessness, and excessive excitement. Unless these symptoms are recognized and treated, hypoglcemia can lead to convulsions, amnesia, and unconciousness. In 1924, Seale Harris M.D., a diabetic specialist noticed that many peopl had symptoms without having diaetes. Their blood sugar would drop too low after eating a sugary refined carbohyudrate meal, or after drinking cafeine or alcohol. After an initial rise but not into the diabetic range, their blood sugar would then fall into a hypoglemic range with many different symptoms depending on the indivvidual, the immune system, and the metabolis. He was the first person to notice Hypoglycemia and to differentiate it from Diabetes. Hypoglycemia can be treated a umber of ways. THe diet should exclude things that can cause stress on thebody, such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and rapidly absorbed carbohudrates such as sugars, honey, and many grains and cereals. Frequent feedings are essential,k withhearty breakfasts and bedtime snacks. Many symptoms will dissapear when the blood sugar is stablilized. THe most important thing to remember is that the average adult has between one and twot easpoons of blood sugar circulating in his body at one time, with a small amount stored in his liver foremergencies. A child has less in relationto its height and weitht. Eating foods such as 4 ozs of chocolate cake withicing and 6 ozs of Coke, which is too quickly absorbed into the blood, can cause a mess from the sugar overload as the body has to bring the blood sugar down to a normal range by a very complicated process.

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